Headshot of Betsy  Eiroa

Building a sound plan to tailor-fit your changing needs and personal goals takes time. Betsy will help you develop a strategy to cover your needs and achieve your goals. Contact her at (713) 930-1011 to schedule a complimentary appointment to see how she can help you.

Headshot of Sue Beck

Serving our clients is the number one priority at our practice. We couldn’t do that without the hard work and support of people such as Sue Beck who is a valued member of our team. Sue's primary responsibilities are scheduling meetings and reviews, providing service for clients like answering account and statement questions, facilitating any necessary updates and changes, and assisting Betsy in providing quality service for our clients.

If you have any questions or need information, contact her at Sue@AssadFinancialGroup.com.

Headshot of Dade Moseley

If you have any questions or need information, contact him at Dade@AssadFinancialGroup.com.